Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Remember on an episode of the Simpsons when the Navy recruiters put "Join The Navy" in a pop-song backwards, and it was middle-eastern women singing "eee-van- eht - nii-oj" And he called it subliminal advertising? Then he points to a billboard and says it's liminal advertising, and then he opens the window to the office and points and screams at Lenny "HEY YOU! JOIN THE NAVY!" and says it's super-liminal advertising, well Israel's army has done all three in one with this video (which is actually 100% real): Sign me the fuck up! Do I have to be Jewish to be in their army? I look Jewish kinda, and so what if there's an unending conflict over religious entitlement to land versus religious holyland protection from infidels that could erupt because of outside forces exacerbating the situation and the world's seams will burst open with hellfire and nuclear warmth? The Israel Army looks hellafun, where do I put my Herbie Hancock? Just because war kills doesn't mean it can't be fun. (Editor's Note: I'm a douchebag for saying 'Editor's Note' The Actual Editor's Note: Just because this was Tick Tock doesn't get Ke$ha off the fuzzy hook)

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