Okay, so first off, THANK YOU to everyone who submitted and thank you for reading. I got many more e-mails than I expected. And for one thing, I'm so happy I"m gonna start doing this because I got sooo many funny ass videos that I'd never saw before and probably wouldn't have... I definitely think it may be time to stop playing Xbox so much …there’s a whole Internet outside...
I'm gonna run this quick countdown Bob Saget-style (complete with saying "Whoa, that's gotta hurt!" and "In the NUTS!" in funny voices) by starting withe the runner-up videos and then announcing the winner...I had a tough time picking between these two entries because they are both double-videos. Some entries I got were funny but not like these few:
The runner-up came from our boys over at Relax and Take Notes
Thunder Chief-
Hey there, first time caller long time fan. Keep up the good work. Hopefully here are a few videos you can use down the stretch for the blog. Keep up the work, bang up job you're doing. Luff you
Not sure if you've seen these, but what do you think?
1. Is that crazy person a he or a she?
2. Where are they going?
3. Is that person holding the camera a girl with short hair, or a boy that has girly tendancies?
The Take Off
The Landing
I got a flight next week and I’m praying this woman sits the in row across the aisle from me. And if she isn’t then I’ll just have to fill in for her and start doing fucked up rituals. Dude, when says "RIDE ON!" as there about to land; it is so bad ass. How about the guy next to her? Didn't even blink, he must be taking Abilify. Imagine if had anxiety about flying? He walks onto the plane and counts the rows until he finds his seat and this old bag is having a schizophrenic-orgasm screaming "RIDE ON BABY!" That could be a bad trip.
and NOW,...the WINNER,....of the first Annual-Weekly BRING ME THE FUNNY...>VIDEO OF THE WEEK,....ahdrummroolll palleeezzzeee....
From my boy The Dirty C40:
OK, I think the second link is where the true funny comes in, but it's only good after watching the first link...which is equally hilarious...
“It was rainbowing for at least an hour on January 8th 2010. It was incredible. The camera could not capture the vivid intensity and brightness.” hungrybear9562 just said that. rainbowing. is it even a word?? well it is in my dictionary now.
Double complete rainbow tripling…so intense.
I had to find out more about this guy so I Googled him and found his YouTube page. Someone went on to this YouTube video and commented that they wished more people like this who had appreciation for nature were around….but this guy seems to just be in AWE of literally EVERYTHING. Watch this next clip I found, it's like he as intensely vivid love of everything, but in an A.D.H.D.-mode.
So the reason that the DOUBLE RAINBOW entry from TheC40 pulled down the blue ribbon is because of the other video sent with it, THE DOUBLE RAINBOW SONG. listen to this fucken double rainbow song. It was almost as if this all happened just to be made into a song. Awesome awesome awesome. I literally watched the double rainbow song video and had the same exact reaction as the guy in the video that I was watching. “Oh my GOD! It’s the double rainbow video song… so intense… oh my god…. What does “What does it mean”…MEAN!?" I know that I just heard this song for the first time today, but it's already entered my life in a big way, like I'm thinking ringtone? or entrance music...maybe my wedding song?
So without further ado, here it is... Words fall short. My joy can not be described. Imagine having diahrea while watching the Hindenburg burst into flames...and that is the opposite of how I feel when I listen to this song. I will never Love anything so completely as I do this song (sorry Honey!)
I got goosebumps...I'm like an audience member in one of those Worship-Music infomercials just raising my hands skyward with an Abilify-smile on my face!
Thank you again to THEC40 and Tim and Ricky at Relax and Take Notes for bringing the videos in a big way!
Accordingly I went to one who had the reputation of wisdom, and observed to him -- his name I need not mention; he was a politician whom I selected for examination -- and the result was as follows: When I began to talk with him, I could not help thinking that he was not really wise, although he was thought wise by many, and wiser still by himself; and I went and tried to explain to him that he thought himself wise, but was not really wise; and the consequence was that he hated me, and his enmity was shared by several who were present and heard me. So I left him, saying to myself, as I went away: Well, although I do not suppose that either of us knows anything really beautiful and good, I am better off than he is -- for he knows nothing, and thinks that he knows. I neither know nor think that I know. In this latter particular, then, I seem to have slightly the advantage of him.
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