Sunday, September 26, 2010


(Reuters) - A Belgian woman went on trial on Friday charged with the murder of a fellow skydiver and love rival who plunged to her death after her parachute was sabotaged.
Els Van Doren, 38, smashed into a back garden from some 4,500 meters (14,764 feet) in November 2006 because both her main and reserve chutes failed to open after she jumped from a plane with defendant, Els Clottemans, 26, their lover, Dutchman Marcel Somers, and another man.
Clottemans, an elementary school teacher, is accused of cutting through key parts of the parachute system the weekend before the jump to remove her rival and have Somers for herself.

So just like my cliched play on words "falling---in love"....this just sucks.  Falling to your death while parachuting is brutal, because you got the guts enough to jump out of an airplane, and then the chute doesn't open.  Just a total bummer.  Probably the same feeling as when you go for the Video Bonus on Cash Cab and the video question is  about some obscure marsupial,  shit luck for a ballsy move.

But what caught my eye about this story is  the obvious "didn't you see that coming?" factor.    This chick, the dead one, was screwing another chick's man...and she let the other chick pack her chute!?!?!?   You loco, ese?  I'd think that the pure weight of her brass balls would have sent her careening towards imalleable earth long before this incident.  Like, what are you thinking???  If I was banging some guy's chick, i wouldn't even turn my back towards him, let alone perform a death defying stunt with him as my safety coordinator.  I would at least, just out of common-courtesy-paranoia, offer to "switch the chutes" at the last second.  The old switcharoo is always a go to.  Like they say "trust everyone, but cut the cards."

P.S. - Being sabotaged is Reason #2 not to go skydiving.   Reason #1 being: it's skydiving.

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