Tuesday, April 20, 2010


No, this picture isn't of a dictator shooting at starving, emaciated villagers--it's just the start of the Boston Marathon. Those people are emaciated by their own choice. And go figure; a Kenyan won it again! I just drove home from work at 3a.m. and I'm pretty sure I saw an American still running. Why the fuck can't we win marathons? It's just not our thing, I guess. I'd say that the only advantage we Americans have is that we don't have to go home to Kenya. So I suppose we kind of win anyway. cue: AMERICA, FUCK YEAH! and just in case your wondering, the "American Fuck Yeah" song IS my ringtone. So when I'm in line at the post office and I get a phone call I don't pick it up, I just let it ring and go to voicemail so everyone near me hears the song in its entirety...just in case anyone was wondering about how patriotic I am. Eat your heart out Sarah Palin.

1 comment:

  1. Remeber the chick who shit her self. I do! Man am I classy!
