Tuesday, April 5, 2011


To set the atmosphere for "Best Bar Joke Of The Weekend" I wanted to show a video of a drunk guy laughing so hard that he falls off his barstool but I found this video instead...close enough.   I laughed until i cried, literally had tears streaming down my cheeks laughing at this guy, I don't know why i think it's so funny.   Just all the different elements: the fatboy slim song, the genial mocking of the drunk by the other guys, the brazen confidence of someone who has had too much to drink but their face hasn't realized how fucked up the rest of their body is so they have a big ol' shit eating grin. And then the end is just priceless, a hand shake/freeze frame style digger.  Love it.

But anyway, the bar jokes from the weekend, which is why I'm writing this. There's one runner up:

Doctor tells a man that he's pregnant.  The man asks, "How the hell did I get pregnant?"  The Doctor replies, "Probably the usual way, lil' wine, lil' dinner..."

Simple yet effective.

And now, the best bar joke from the weekend (and of course, about Charlie Sheen):

How much cocaine did Charlie Sheen do?
Enough to kill Two and A Half Men.


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