This discussion of the potential Mosque at Ground Zero is hitting its boiling point, and notably so when it was just announced that The War on Terrorism's spending has topped 1 trillion U.S. dollars. I actually heard we were gonna have a 1 Trillion-Dollar-Mark Party but for some reason couldn't muster the funds. Just that figure right there, 1,000,000,000,000 should kind of let these Mosque advocates know that Americans are still pretty sore over 9/11.
I just feel as if the pro-Mosque side had the time and resources to plan a building site just a lil' further away than two city blocks. They could have picked their battle in this one. What if a German military base where future rearmament may take place was built next to Auswitz… What? No good? I thought the Jews had a sense of humor…
Now I know that the opening of this post makes me sound narrow-minded and a little exaggerating, sssooo here's the swing: I think that the majority of educated individuals will agree that Mosques are neutral places of worship, that’s just the facts. But it should also be noted that the facts include that Ground Zero is not neutral. It is harrowed ground and it is literally the ONLY FUCKING SPOT in America where anyone would object to anything being built. People have objections to whether or not towers should even be rebuilt at the actual site, let alone a Mosque overlooking the area.
Now I am an American who is all about Toleration, and if this Mosque does go through I think it not such a terrible thing. Because what more of a moral victory could Americans win than allowing a place of worship to a peaceful religion, BEHIND which hid the 9/11 planners/hijackers, be built near Ground Zero? There's none, it'd be like shaking our dicks at them. Fuck You Fuckheads, we'll bomb you extremists and we'll hug all your peaceful Islamic brothers and sisters.
But I think it should also be brought to the attention of these Mosquitos that 9/11 is a term known world-wide, W. Bush made sure of that by saying it over and over and over again. He actually hit the 1 Trillion mark waaaay before the spending-campaign did. And that building a Mosque near Ground Zero is blatantly going to cause controversy. It's not a question of right and wrong, or tolerance or ignorance: it's just such a dickhead move given the current rift between America and the predominantly Muslim Middle East.
And give me a break with ANYONE who’s like, “What do they mean Mosques are associated with terrorism!? Muslim-Terrorist? What’s that, never heard of one.” I keep seeing videos of the men who have been worshiping at the potential-site for a year saying that to link Islam and Terrorism together is absurd. Just tell that guy to Go to Blockbuster, walk to the ACTION section, look for a film from the 1980‘s and then watch it. Now tell me that there are not ties between Islam and terrorism. Just my old friend The Facts, again. You know what I'll save you the trip to the video store and just show you what you'll see:
The universal image that comes to mind with the term TERRORIST:

And the universal image that comes to mind with HERO:

I don't feel bad voicing my opinion on this one because I think it’s well-established that I am neutral and tolerating of all kinds of people. I truly do wish for World Peace. Earth would be a better place if we could all just relax and have a few laughs before we die.
But World Peace is not anywhere in sight right now. But I'm not losing any sleep over it because I've offered two fool-proof plans for peace in my
Peace in the Middle East post. If you try my plans and they fail, then and only then will I join in the passive For-Peace movement by holding hands and singing and waving signs at politicians.
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