From now on Wednesdays I'm going to feature a kick-ass website and while most of the time it will be a porno-site sometimes it will be legit. Like todaysnay. (coin that shit: TODAYSNAY!)
Now, I'm not gonna "front" and say that "hip-hop is my shit" because usually, I don't "play dat." Which is why I rely on Relax and Take Notes to keep me up to date.
now i can go to parties, look at my notes and "drop knowledge" like "Hey, you guys seen that new Afrikan Bambaataa video for 'Freestyle?' You gotta give credit to NIKE, they killed it!" And my Grandma's all like "Did you say bumblebeetuna?" And I'm all DOOOUUUCHHHEEEE CHIILLLLLLLL
The final analysis is that anyone who can legitimize "Boats 'N Hoes" by Huff 'N Doback are the A-Team in my book.
exudes class and kicks ass!
Accordingly I went to one who had the reputation of wisdom, and observed to him -- his name I need not mention; he was a politician whom I selected for examination -- and the result was as follows: When I began to talk with him, I could not help thinking that he was not really wise, although he was thought wise by many, and wiser still by himself; and I went and tried to explain to him that he thought himself wise, but was not really wise; and the consequence was that he hated me, and his enmity was shared by several who were present and heard me. So I left him, saying to myself, as I went away: Well, although I do not suppose that either of us knows anything really beautiful and good, I am better off than he is -- for he knows nothing, and thinks that he knows. I neither know nor think that I know. In this latter particular, then, I seem to have slightly the advantage of him.
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