Yeah, this guy looks mentally stable...marching through low-tide, hands in pockets, no shoes or socks, just grinning to himself like a crazy person. They should have just shown a picture of some guy wearing one of those propeller hats and eating his own shit. What was Abilify going for here? "
Hey you can go back to normal life---as long as normal is walking around town like a grinning zombie drooling on yourself." These drug commercials are whacked. I get what they're going for, like this guy walking on the beach is supposed to be care-free and laid back. But if i'm gonna need to take a drug to make myself care-free, I'm doing whatever drugs homeless people do. Because that's my kind of laid back; completely abandoning all means of personal hygiene, debating squirrels, sleeping on steaming sewer vents for warmth.
I do love the Valtrex ads/commercials though, strictly for entertainment purposes, there is just something about a person declaring to the TV-billion-millions "I HAVE HERPES" that tickles me. But I kind of wish that Valtrex used people who are actually afflicted, it would make it more realistic. And believe me, they're definitely actors in those commercials, I can tell. Watch next time and you'll see, it's very subtle but if you pay really, really close attention you see it -- Watch the boyfriend's expression when his girl says "I have herpes." He's got a big ol' Christmas-morning smile on his face....Hey guy, she didn't say you two are going to Disneyland--she said she has a rotting vagina. Smiles for miles. That boyfriend must be on a double-dosage of Abilify.
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