You know what band I used to love? Dropkick Murphys. You know what band I hate now? Dropkick Murphys.
I can't stand them. And I didn't mind when DKM stopped being Boston/Irish punk rock when they brought in a Scottish guy from New York to sing lead vocals. That kind of shit doesn't really matter to me. Nor did this stupid-ass band photo up top where they sit around an empty bar making 'what-ever-dude' faces (a la every band photo ever). But Why do bands even have pictures of themselves? People listen for your sound not your image (exception: Gaga). But if you're set on taking a band photo, how about a smile? at least look at the camera you donkeys.
But what really turned me off of them for good was when I read an interview (which I can't find, dammit) with the back-up guitarist's back-up-back-up guitarist. This guy said something along the lines of "I'm just a regular guy who plays music for a living." Well that settles that, this guy thinks he's the ballz. Absolutely no way does this guy think he is anything less than a demigod.
How much of an asshole do you have to be to say "im just a regular guy" in the first place? Oh, what like everyone in this world? Ever heard of "all guys created regular" ? It's in the Constitution idiot. Musicians aren't any better just because they wear goofy hats and buy their pants at Baby Gap. I can picture this guy walking into a bar where no one knows who is his and the bartender says, "Hey man what can I get ya?" Demigod: "Me? Nothing man, just a regular guy who plays music for a living. I don't want any special treatment or nothin. I'm just like you, dude. Just a regular joe lookin for a cold one so I can drink it with all you, er, common folk"
When it comes to bands, I disregard the person themself, their politics, their birthday, their favorite books. The only thing I like about a band, besides their music, is their guitar solo face. Because GSF's rock.

The guitar face is so cool it can even transcend instruments and works on pianos, cellos, even trumpets:

Well, GSF doesn't really work for one instrument. Sorry violin:
I could do without DKM and Papelbon for the rest of my life.
ReplyDeleteI remember when Papelbon pitched his first game at Fenway, I was selling Boston Baseball programs on the street. Everyone billed him as "the next Clemens" (it's crazy that most people probably already forgot he was ever a starting pitcher) And as soon as he started dancing and just speaking in general I realized he was the next clemens, a complete douchebag.