And speaking of getting drunk in public: did anyone hear how some chick is banned from buying or publicly consuming ANY and ALL alcoholic beverages in all of England and Wales? It's called a Drinking Banning Order and I'm pretty sure it's the first one ever. Do you know how drunk you have to be to get banned from drinking in England? Their entire culture revolves around 'the pub' and getting pissed, like not casual drinking like our fine gentlemen over at
Ketel One but getting absolutely Polluted, with a capital SHITFACED. What has English culture become? (((Jane Austin must be rolling over in her stuffy grave)))I've been trying to brainstorm what could be wrong with her...she must be hideous, right?

Ok, wrong. ... Then she is either the biggest tease of all time (because no one is gonna ban the "party favor" if you know what I'm saying) or... Actually I have no idea. I'm stumped. I'm guessing that if you unraveled this case then you'd find some kind of threaded socio-political-thriller-like plot. Like if Girl With The Dragon Tattoo meets Girl Who Played With Fire and then got mixed with The Matrix. That's how confusing this story must be, the only way she got banned is if it endangers mankind on a national or even global level. Think of how many people we all know individually that should have been banned from drinking by now. Drug testing, a "suggested" stint in AA, that's the per usual for even the biggest drunken messes. But a National Ban? Maybe she walked out on a tab at Buckingham Palace. I can't wait to read more about this one. Read the actual story here:
Oh and what's the over/under on how many dates this girl is gonna get asked out on once she can start drinking again? She's the ideal date; "Hey pretty lady how about we drink vodka straight from the bottle, chase it down with some shame and then get randy. DO I MAKE YOU HORNY BABY!? IT DOESN'T MATTER, YOU'RE BLACKED OUT!"
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