Well I haven't been paying really close attention to this whole drama because, let's be honest, it's in Chile, but I did hear that these guys had survived. But now I just found out they are stuck down there for 4 months!? Ummmmm, so I'm thinking sitcom. Anybody? It's topical, a bit dirty, with dark humor. A bunch of amigos stuck in a cramped living space. It'd be like Friends but funny.
But how about that shit. My Spanish is a little rusty but I think that this note reads, "Stop celebrating and get us out of this fucking hole you asshole...33" I hope these guys do get out of this OK, because they are going to get a HUGE settlement from the Mining company, which they will subsequently spend on lottery tickets.
And I love the messages they sent to their families, that was touching. I bet every guy when asked, "Any words for your wives?" thought the same thing: "Yeah, don't fuck anybody."
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