....get it?
Washington (CNN) -- Nearly 180 Department of Homeland Security weapons were lost -- some falling into the hands of criminals -- after officers left them in restrooms, vehicles and other public places, according to an inspector general report.
The officers, with Customs and Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement, "did not always sufficiently safeguard their firearms and, as a result, lost a significant number of firearms" between fiscal year 2006 and fiscal year 2008, the report said.
In all, 243 firearms were lost in both agencies during that period, according to the January report from Inspector General Richard Skinner. Of those, 36 were lost because of circumstances beyond officers' control -- for instance, ICE lost a firearm during an assault on an officer. Another 28 were lost even though officers had stored them in lockboxes or safes.
But 74 percent, or 179 guns, were lost "because officers did not properly secure them," the report said
So everyone's big focus on this article is that the Homeland Security guys are leaving guns all around the homeland making it less secure. Yeah, irony is delicious, like when the DEA agent shot himself in the foot in a gun safety seminar. Everyone can contradict themselves, so I don't go calling anyone out for obvious shit.
What I think it unacceptable is something on a more basic level. I think it's understood that "not properly secure" is a euphamism for "was too drunk to do think straight" In these instances, it definitly sounds like alcohol was involved:
"CBP and ICE officers left firearms in places such as a fast food restaurant parking lot, a bowling alley and a clothing store," the report said.
One too many caucasians at the bowling alley? Late night drive thru? Plus clothing stores play their music so loud nowadays it's exactly like a club, I think they're trying to spike shoppers' adrenaline and increase impulse buys. So it's possible that some agents get shitfaced and hang out there.
Losing your gun while drunk is just totally unacceptable. If you lose your gun because you take it off to shit. OK. You lose it because a 275 lb. Mexican man assaults you and takes it like candy from a baby. Who wouldn't? But to lose your gun when your drunk? No fucken way.
Because if I am drunk and I have a gun, I am using it for EVERYTHING. Like Elvis, I'd be changing the TV channel with my gun. I'd untie my shoes with my gun. I'd make people dance with my gun. I'd open more beers with my gun. I'd point out landmarks with my gun like it was a laserpointer. And I'd test out that 21 foot rule with everyone I crossed paths with. You think I don't see you hiding behind that tree?
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