Hanley fuckin' Ramirez. how bout some hustle kid? You know what separates you from a Little Leaguer? 100 pounds, performance enhancing drugs and too much free time. You know why I sucked at sports? Because I had a paper route growing up, didn't have time to hone my natural athletic prowess, I was too busy hustling up and down the street. Plus I sucked at sports.
You make more money than every fucking person in the United States for playing a child's game. You don't think you could leg it out? It's insulting to the fans who pay for your bloated lifestyle. Same goes to all the guys who deny using steroids after blatantly being caught. Do they really think they're fooling us? THey must think we're a bunch of assholes; like when Sammy Sosa broke his bat and a syringe flew out. He was all "uh, No, what is this 'ster-oid' you speak of??" Sammy, the gig is up man. Asterisk.
I got a big problem with this, which is just a microcosm of the entire entertainment industry. These people are so overpaid, from athletes to actors, that it literally makes me sad. Shouldn't there be some entertainment tax that redistributes some of that money to the community? And to pile it on, out of the little inkling of guilt that celebrities feel from knowing that their jobs are easy as shit and they make millions for doing very little, they go on and set up fundraisers and then ask US to give THEM money.
All these athletes are laughing at us all the way to the bank, I can't even afford to go to major league games, because it costs 85 bucks for a cheap ticket and 8 bucks for one watered-down beer. Are you mental? Why the fuck didn't the first crowd that showed up for that first game with insane ticket prices just say, "NO" Then we wouldn't be in this expensive mess. And that had to be a joke right? When the fan said "1 ticket please" and the guy in the booth was like "oh..yeah, uhhh 350 bucks..." how is that acceptable? How do you even get shitfaced enough of 8 dollar beers to pay hundreds of dollars for a ticket to watch baseball!?
(editor's note: Yes, Hanley is on my fantasy team, so this benching is making me suffer. He has been put on the trading block.)
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