group of would-be muggers in a Sydney, Australia, met their match Tuesday night in the form of black-clad ninjas.
The three stalked and attacked a German exchange student, 27, in a dimly lit alley that fortunately for the victim ran behind the Ninja Senshi Ryu warrior school, according to an Australian Broadcasting Corp. report.
Ninja student Nathan Smith was standing in the shadows outside the dojo when the attackers set upon the victim and quickly called for help from his classmates inside, according to a report in the Sydney Morning Herald.
Sensei Kaylan Soto and three other students in full ninja gear quickly responded.
"We looked around to see what was happening and there were three blokes on this guy just kicking him and punching him in the head," he told the ABC.
"We started running towards them and they took off. They would have seen five of us in ninja gear ... all in black with our belts on, running toward them.”
Before I say anything, let me say that a few years back when everyone started getting all hyped up about pirates and ninjas and everyone's status was all like "I'm a ninja---BEHIND YOU!" I wasn't any part of that. I thought it was stupid to go around and tell everyone I was a ninja just for laughs. Because I am a ninja, and that's not how we do things. There's a certain code of honor that one mus--BEHIND YOU!
That said, I think these ninjas are impostors. They sound like the mall cops of ninjas. Too many discrepancies in this short story. Like what kind of ninja calls an enemy a "bloke?" Ninjas say things like 'worthy adversary' and 'youu durty raaht'. And then this was the nail in the coffin:
The ninjas gave chase but could not catch the assailants.
Police told the ABC they arrested two male suspects, ages 16 and 20, and are looking for a third. Their intended victim suffered only minor injuries.
Ninjas couldn't catch a couple of teenagers? If a ninja saw someone being dishonored, the assailant would not escape without getting a couple of shurikens to the dome. So I call bullshit...unless the third durty raht shows up in a shadowy river looking like this:
see, now this commenter is a true fan of the ninja. you can tell because he commented from the shadows as "Anonymous"
ReplyDeleteand great call on santa and the EB. commercialization needs to get ninja chopped.