uncommonwisdomdaily.com--The #1 largest holder of U.S. Treasury bonds: China with $894 billion. Number 2? That would be Japan with $768 billion
Holy Shit. So does anyone even know how much money that is? That can't even be real numbers, it must just be a bunch of suits fakin it till they make it. Like when you don't want to sound stupid so you just pretend you understand and nod your head yes. Maybe at the meetings there's no translators? I don't know, somethings fishy.
But I can't wait for when the Chinese and Japanese start asking for their money back, you know the U.S. will pull some shit and dodge them for a few years. Won't answer their phone calls, keep the house lights off at night, when China knocks yell "We didn't order any delivery!"
But when the Asians finally do catch up it'll be awkward. "ohhh, hey America. You know that coupre birrion dorrars you owe me? Yeah, uhhh, maybe I could have that back. rittre interest maybe too?" America will get all defensive and be like "China get off my fucken back, bro! you know times are tough, I'm stuck between Iraq and a hard place right now." "Umm, yeah. But we need the money, and you have it soooo." And then America will play hardball with a HUGE bluff and be like, "Whats the rush Asia? Huh? Why you need the money so bad? You trying to...militarize? Is that it? So you just want to take all that money and start some shit, Well guess what!? SANCTION TIME!!!" and that, readers, is how World War III will start.
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