Sometimes I feel like I’m a 80 year old trapped inside the body of a 24 year old… which is probably great for the 80 year old...but not for me, the 24 year old. But the whole point is this goddamn music. Don’t get me started on Ke$ha’s Tik Tok, the video starts with her stumbling downstairs drunk and ruining a perfectly wholesome family breakfast. Yea, Girl Power! I'm writing this really quick because everytime I hear that song According To You by Orianthi I want to kick something. This bitch wrote a whole song talking about how the guy she’s with now thinks she’s a slob. Always late, annoying, ruins good jokes. And then some other guy (“Him”) thinks she’s Helen of Troy. Wait, hold on… Orianthi, you mean some guy that wants to bang you is saying really sweet stuff to you and thinks your great? Oh WOOOOOW, you should really give him a chance. He sounds like he really cares about you!
Listen the other guy in the song ("You") has to put up with her shit everyday. This other guy "Him" just gets to try and talk her panties off. If he had a song it'd probably be one of those degrading rap songs. And it's not like "You" is being an asshole. Orianthi, if you show up ten minutes early no one can say that you're late. It’s not like you can show up somewhere and "You" can turn the clock ahead to change the time and make you late. Late is late. I mean, I feel terrible for this guy "You." It's not like he has some song out there that gets to play everytime after her song that explains: "She was late to my nephew's baptism and then got too drunk at my brother's house and puked in the fridge." He just has to sit there and take it. But you know what? He's probably a good guy, wouldn't do that anyway. Probably too busy volunteering somewhere. Heart o' gold, that guy.
I'm so happy that I'm a 90 year old trapped in a 34 year old's body so I don't have to listen to this shite! However I'm glad I have you to humor me over it all Bill!