Before March 14th, I firmly believed that I was, pound-for-pound, the best surpriser in the world and one hell of a prankster on top of that. No one can make you jump like I can. When I go to a surprise birthday bash, I want to surprise the person like how John Hinkley surprised Ronald Reagan. I want them to pee a little bit. My tenacity was unmatched... until this:
NEWS.BBC.CO.UK--Panic was sparked in Georgia after a TV station broadcast news that Russian tanks had invaded the capital and the country's president was dead.
The Imedi network report, which brought back memories of the 2008 war between Russia and Georgia, was false.
Imedi said the aim had been to show how events might unfold if the president were killed. It later apologised.
This just tops every prank and surprise I have ever pulled. I think my highest multi-surprise was maybe two or three people (unless you will count me graduating from college in May, that'll shock a few folks). The Imedi network surprised an entire nation of people with a good ol' fashioned "WE'RE BEING INVADED. THE PRESIDENTS DEAD!" This is up there with Orson Welles' alien invasion. Just legendary stuff.
This reminds me of when Opie and Anthony said Menino was dead for an April Fools joke...good times all around