I try and be a good American by watching CSPAN but I just do not get anything from it. Specifically I tried to watch the health care reform issue closely but, and tell me if I am the only one who thinks this, but it was the most confusing debate ever. A democrat would stand up and say, "if you don't vote for this then it's gonna cost you more money" Then a republican stood up and said "if you do vote for this then it's gonna cost you more money" And that is all I heard. I kept waiting for one guy to stand up and just completely blow it and blurt out, "if you do vote with us then you're gonna get screwed---oh sonofabitch! alright, the gig's up! the other side is right."
If this echoing debate isn't bad enough, Some woman got up and used her 1-minute allotted time to talk about Kentucky basketball. Is she lost? Do representatives do that? Just get up and shoot the breeze?
But I do enjoy the language that the house members have to use, because when debates get emotional it is the only thing that separates them from sounding like two guys arguing in a bar room at last call. Like when some Guy 1 pisses Guy 2 off, and Guy 2wants to tell him "shut the fuck up" he can't, he has to say "Will the gentleman yield? Yield, please!" and Guy 1 says "Ok, I yield." I love it. I wish I was in politics because I would just never yield and win every debate.
This polite kind of back-and-forth happened a lot when Rep. Eric Cantor R-Virginia was going at it with Rep. Steney Hoyer D-Maryland. Watching it, I think that Hoyer came out on top. But I don't know what they were talking about, they were just screaming Yield and something about abortions. I'm pretty sure their arguing got a road fixed somewhere in the Northwest.
Oh and I have a pretty good idea why no one likes Republicans. Rep. Eric Cantor has this title under his name "The Minority Whip" --- That has to be the WORST title ever. The republicans are in a bad way with most of America anyway and they are historically, recent republicans that is, not receiving the minority votes. So why would you call yourself a Minority Whip? Everytime I saw Cantor's face on the TV screen the big bold words "MINORITY WHIP" was right on his forehead. I'm just saying.
So now the Bill passed. Except from what I understand there's just going to be more arguing over it. So stay tuned into CSPAN to yield some of the action.
Oh and take a look at BO's siggy on the Bill. He had to use 22 pens so that all the people hovering over him had mementos. But it looks like he used 20 of the pens on just the "O" in Obama. So now the O looks demented. Was making our President's signature look like a 6 year old's signature really worth it?
Haha... CSPAN is fun isn't it? It's especially good after 8, when the senate floor is empty and two white guys are agitatedly giving each other the what-for. I'm sure their words combine to form some comprehensive point--don't know what though.