(CNN) -- There was no profanity, no hate. Just the words, "I love my friends Abby and Faith. Lex was here 2/1/10 :)" scrawled on the classroom desk with a green marker.
Alexa Gonzalez, an outgoing 12-year-old who likes to dance and draw, expected a lecture or maybe detention for her doodles earlier this month. Instead, the principal of the Junior High School in Forest Hills, New York, called police, and the seventh-grader was taken across the street to the police precinct.
Alexa's hands were cuffed behind her back, and tears gushed as she was escorted from school in front of teachers and -- the worst audience of all for a preadolescent girl -- her classmates.
Alexa is no longer facing suspension, according a spokeswoman for the New York City Department of Education. Still, the case of the doodling preteen is raising concerns about the use of zero tolerance policies in schools.
Spare me Alexa. You knew there was a Zero Tolerance Policy about doodling. And you go on and write a love note to your pals and then sign and date it? It's not like you wandered off into a day dream and your pencil slipped off your workbook and you drew a smiley face. You blatantly disregarded the ZTP and used a fat green marker on the desk. That would be like if the school said "ZTP: No Rioting," and then you took your shoe off and tried to break a window with it. (true story). That is just spitting in the eye of authority, which I am all for in certain cases, but don't start blubbering when the hammer comes down. Take it like a man, you 12 year old girl. That's a major problem I have with the kids today. I feel that after my generation the kids starting becoming such wise asses with no respect. and shorter too. I think the first time I used the phrase "Those goddamn kids" was in the tenth grade.
I don't know about shorter. fatter, yes.