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Wednesday, September 29, 2010
NEW YORK— (Beth Harpaz - AP Writer) - Second-graders who can't tie shoes or zip jackets. Four-year-olds in Pull-Ups diapers. Five-year-olds in strollers. Teens and preteens befuddled by can openers and ice-cube trays. College kids who've never done laundry, taken a bus alone or addressed an envelope.
Are we raising a generation of nincompoops? And do we have only ourselves to blame? Susan Maushart, a mother of three, says her teenage daughter "literally does not know how to use a can opener. Most cans come with pull-tops these days. I see her reaching for a can that requires a can opener, and her shoulders slump and she goes for something else."
Teenagers are so accustomed to either throwing their clothes on the floor or hanging them on hooks that Maushart says her "kids actually struggle with the mechanics of a clothes hanger."
Many kids never learn to do ordinary household tasks. They have no chores. Take-out and drive-through meals have replaced home cooking. And busy families who can afford it often outsource house-cleaning and lawn care.
Mark Bauerlein, author of the best-selling book "The Dumbest Generation," which contends that cyberculture is turning young people into know-nothings, says "the absence of technology" confuses kids faced with simple mechanical tasks.
"It's so all laid out for them," said Maushart, author of the forthcoming book "The Winter of Our Disconnect," about her efforts to wean her family from its dependence on technology. "Having so much comfort and ease is what has led to this situation -- the Velcro sneakers, the Pull-Ups generation. You can pee in your pants and we'll take care of it for you!"
Hey you old assholes guess what: Young Americans can't address envelopes because of a little something called e-mail. We're going paperless, get with the times. Are you upset we can't saddle a horse or don't know the pick-up/drop-off times for the Pony Express too? (google it)
Oh, and know why can't we do our laundry? Little invention I like to call "illegal aliens." Ever heard of a Mexican? You think it's a coincidence that millions of people are here illegally doing all our dirty work? No, it's because we don't want to do that shit anymore so we opened up the borders....and we slashed wages.
And Can-openers? Are you shitting me? What is this lady feeding her daughter, dog food?? I mean, I can only use a can opener because I gotta get me that tuna protein but I'm pretty sure a can opener is one of the most awkward kitchen utensils ever made. And hey! here's a crazy idea: instead of watching and laughing as your daughter tries to feed herself and then blogging about how retarded she is....go fucken help her! You people wonder why we're all "clueless."
The thing that tickles me the most is this we're being labeled the "dumbest generation" by people who couldn't figure out how to use condoms and ruined sex forever by riddling the population with STDs, and the state officials who thought that segregation was a solid institution that helped protect civil rights. Plus they nearly ended the world with nuclear weapons. And invented sitcoms. You wonder why the youth doesn't want to learn shit from you.
PS - I hate to be the one who has to point it out to you -- but if your kid is struggling with the "mechanics" of a clothes hangar, a solid object with no movable parts, and he is peeing his pants...then he might be a retard. So you're calling retarded people nincompoops.
Monday, September 27, 2010
....I have so many questions.
Oh, and I'm being "Dole-ah-Maaaahhhh" for Halloween! called it first!
The only thing that could have made this video any better would have been if Dole-ah-Maaahhhh saw the crying girl and did this instead:
The old "banana in the tail pipe" trick...translated into Japanese.
Bedroom Intruder:
How do I never see these videos before the other 25 million people? Thank god the Gooses Duece showed me this. It's a song from the same kids who did Double Rainbow.
This video has given me two revelations; the first is that these kids are awesome. Everyone involved, from the kids who have mastered auto-tuner to this Antoine Dodson who gave them everything they needed on a silver platter. From the spoken intro, to the hook to the chorus, to the refrain and to the cameo from his sister. I think that this kid is the next Lil' Wanye, he probably faked this break-in just to become a rap star. No way someone nails a live on-air interview like this, right? Fucken awesome.
The second revelation is that this proves how easy rap is. like this confirms it right? There is no arguing it anymore. This could be a chart-topping club song and it's just an interview put through the auto-tune machine with a generic beat behind it. I've always said that rap is just rhyming at a 3rd grade level, with the help of someone else's music/beat and a maybe a thesaurus. Throw in some glittery, puffy clothes and some bling laid over a nice set of melons and you've made it. and if you're songs not catching on: shoot somebody. No press is bad press.
Also, the only way to truly appreciate this shit is to watch the original. Like BigBadBillyG says, it adds depth.
How do I never see these videos before the other 25 million people? Thank god the Gooses Duece showed me this. It's a song from the same kids who did Double Rainbow.
This video has given me two revelations; the first is that these kids are awesome. Everyone involved, from the kids who have mastered auto-tuner to this Antoine Dodson who gave them everything they needed on a silver platter. From the spoken intro, to the hook to the chorus, to the refrain and to the cameo from his sister. I think that this kid is the next Lil' Wanye, he probably faked this break-in just to become a rap star. No way someone nails a live on-air interview like this, right? Fucken awesome.
The second revelation is that this proves how easy rap is. like this confirms it right? There is no arguing it anymore. This could be a chart-topping club song and it's just an interview put through the auto-tune machine with a generic beat behind it. I've always said that rap is just rhyming at a 3rd grade level, with the help of someone else's music/beat and a maybe a thesaurus. Throw in some glittery, puffy clothes and some bling laid over a nice set of melons and you've made it. and if you're songs not catching on: shoot somebody. No press is bad press.
Also, the only way to truly appreciate this shit is to watch the original. Like BigBadBillyG says, it adds depth.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
(Reuters) - A Belgian woman went on trial on Friday charged with the murder of a fellow skydiver and love rival who plunged to her death after her parachute was sabotaged.
Els Van Doren, 38, smashed into a back garden from some 4,500 meters (14,764 feet) in November 2006 because both her main and reserve chutes failed to open after she jumped from a plane with defendant, Els Clottemans, 26, their lover, Dutchman Marcel Somers, and another man.
Clottemans, an elementary school teacher, is accused of cutting through key parts of the parachute system the weekend before the jump to remove her rival and have Somers for herself.
So just like my cliched play on words "falling---in love"....this just sucks. Falling to your death while parachuting is brutal, because you got the guts enough to jump out of an airplane, and then the chute doesn't open. Just a total bummer. Probably the same feeling as when you go for the Video Bonus on Cash Cab and the video question is about some obscure marsupial, shit luck for a ballsy move.
But what caught my eye about this story is the obvious "didn't you see that coming?" factor. This chick, the dead one, was screwing another chick's man...and she let the other chick pack her chute!?!?!? You loco, ese? I'd think that the pure weight of her brass balls would have sent her careening towards imalleable earth long before this incident. Like, what are you thinking??? If I was banging some guy's chick, i wouldn't even turn my back towards him, let alone perform a death defying stunt with him as my safety coordinator. I would at least, just out of common-courtesy-paranoia, offer to "switch the chutes" at the last second. The old switcharoo is always a go to. Like they say "trust everyone, but cut the cards."
P.S. - Being sabotaged is Reason #2 not to go skydiving. Reason #1 being: it's skydiving.
Els Van Doren, 38, smashed into a back garden from some 4,500 meters (14,764 feet) in November 2006 because both her main and reserve chutes failed to open after she jumped from a plane with defendant, Els Clottemans, 26, their lover, Dutchman Marcel Somers, and another man.
Clottemans, an elementary school teacher, is accused of cutting through key parts of the parachute system the weekend before the jump to remove her rival and have Somers for herself.
So just like my cliched play on words "falling---in love"....this just sucks. Falling to your death while parachuting is brutal, because you got the guts enough to jump out of an airplane, and then the chute doesn't open. Just a total bummer. Probably the same feeling as when you go for the Video Bonus on Cash Cab and the video question is about some obscure marsupial, shit luck for a ballsy move.
But what caught my eye about this story is the obvious "didn't you see that coming?" factor. This chick, the dead one, was screwing another chick's man...and she let the other chick pack her chute!?!?!? You loco, ese? I'd think that the pure weight of her brass balls would have sent her careening towards imalleable earth long before this incident. Like, what are you thinking??? If I was banging some guy's chick, i wouldn't even turn my back towards him, let alone perform a death defying stunt with him as my safety coordinator. I would at least, just out of common-courtesy-paranoia, offer to "switch the chutes" at the last second. The old switcharoo is always a go to. Like they say "trust everyone, but cut the cards."
P.S. - Being sabotaged is Reason #2 not to go skydiving. Reason #1 being: it's skydiving.
Thursday, September 23, 2010

I think people forgot how hard life has been for Gibson. And while there's no excusing what he's said, and he's said some crazy shit, I think we could ease up a bit on him. I understand it got uglier than ever with this most recent rant with him panting and spewing guttural-spittling hatreds towards his ex-wife Oksana Grigorieva...but she sandbagged him! (typical Russkie) C'mon, that was supposed to be off the record! I mean I have personally said some things, like all of us have - don't deny it, that if someone had it secretly recorded then I'd have the same chance of being hired by any kind of employer as a pedophile does at a preschool. Now, again what he said was some fucked up shit and I'm not making excuses but I want you all to think of how hard his life has been and maybe we can give Mel a, thir--well I guess fourth chance. But hey, Doesn't everyone deserve a fourth chance?
He grew up as one out of 11 kids, which means he probably didn't get much love and devotion from his parents. Certainly not the amount that everyone deserves. Maybe he felt neglected as a child. Then his acting career didn't exactly start off well. He gets his first movie role as 'Baseball Player' in I Never Promised You A Rose Garden. He pours his heart and soul into that role as an extra and then his talent went uncredited. Mel got left on the cutting room floor, Ignored--just as he was growing up. No wonder he wants to bury his wife in a rose's because his acting efforts once got buried in A Rose Garden.
Aside from acting, just think about his personal life. People seem to forget about how Mel's first wife and their child together died in 1979......
To read the rest of this shit, click on the link below...
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010
I know alotta things, but I don't what in the hell happened in my Fantasy Baseball League Semifinals matchup. My team, The JohnRocker AIDS Train, was rolling down a one-way track to legendary stardom. All I needed to do was to maintain a 9-5 lead over the weekend and it was mine, I was going to defeat the year's most winningest team. And plus it would have guaranteed a cash payout, and lord knows I need that wampum. But, what I say when it comes to Fantasy Baseball is that weeks--are won and lost on the tell this story; Let us set the mood for tragedy...
Yes, turn the lights off. and how about some imagery?
(^---borrowed/stolen from -
okay, nice representation of my current state if mind.
Alright, below there are two boxes. The top box is the fantasy line as of the morning of Sunday 9.19 and below that there is the final line, the night of Sunday 9.19. W.T.Fuck? For starters, I worked from 10am-3am so all I could do was try and catch updates on my cellphone and at one point I was given a QS (making it 8-6), which basically meant I could not be beat. But then, like friggin Houdini was keeping score, it disappeared! it was just taken away from me? How, why?! Then, I notice that I only have 5 hitters starting (out of 11), who the shit gave the stand-down order? Because I ordered a goddamn code-red, Santiago! Then he steals a base on the last day to tie up the SB category. That team finished 8th overall in Total SBs, and this is coming from #3.
Most importantly, note that the final score is a tie. 6 categories to 6 categories. But, since 4base riddim beat me 3 times during the regular season, the tie-breaker goes to him. Wouldn't a tie-breaker be better suited by the *current* week and not a week from April. The teams are completely changed since April, we're talking playoffs here! and don't think that Yahoo Fantasy Sports hasn't already recieved hate mail, I got time on my hands (obviously).
But the sickest thing of all (I'm a total nerd, shut up I'll fight you) is that when you look at that final fantasy line...I lost my lead by .001 percentage of a Batting Average. If I had just another sniff of a hit I would have tied him in the category and skated to a 6-5 win, still a complete farce that it would have been that close but I would take it.
.001, that tiniest percentage has consumed me. It is the narrowest margin you could lose the category by..... I've filled a legal pad just writing it over and over.001.001.001 I see it everywhere I turn. I stand at the counter at Dunks just mumbling it. .
Now, this kid has owned the entire league all year. He has destroyed. He was like Drago. And I was like Rocky IV. I trained in the snow, I picked up heavy shit and threw it around my room, i ate a onion raw. I wanted this W. I even posted a league message that I was going to lead the slave rebellion over this team that has owned us all year, I renamed myself The JohnRocker SpartacAIDS Train,
I'm not going to say it was my destiny, because that's a load of crap. I don't believe in destiny and fate, I make my own path. But my own path of self-determination was fucked up by someone else's destiny. You with me? And I don't care what that says about destiny & fate versus self-determination, I'M NOT SELLING OUT TO DESTINY!

Sunday, September 19, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Published with Blogger-droid v1.5.9
I know I'm not completely insane, but when this Burger King "It's morning--I'm hungry--I'm going to Bk" commercial comes on I feel the urge to make chimpanzee noises and tackle my TV. It's just like that 1-877-CARS-4-KIDS commercial. As soon as I hear the first few notes I punch my car radio off. like I punch it until it's off--it makes me want to accelerate, turn the wheel and speed into a concrete embankment.
I hate to say it, but Quincy's own Dunkin Donuts are the ones who started this whole friggin "annoying,-off-beat-songs-and-strange-looking-people-will-stick-in-your-mind,-thus-the-product-sticks" marketing craze. And maybe it's because my highly-evolved brain isn't susceptible to such low-brow marketing, or maybe it's because my brain is slightly chemically imbalanced --- but I spaz for the clicker and kick my car radio every time one of them comes on. Anyone gonna give me some love on that?
And for my money, Geico is the best TV commercial going. Along with the old Snickers commercials:
love,love,love that shot of the token-Asian gettin his Snick on to close it out. GENIUS-GENIUS-GENIUS!!! (also, did I just give Snickers "get ya Snick on" idea or what? When Am I gonna get paid for this shit?)
Anyone got some solid commercials they want to share&reminisce over?
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I spend most of the weekend in a bar, on one side or the other, so I may as well use some of the jokes that I inevitably hear. Some jokes are terrible and some are fantastic. And I remember when the Tiger Woods scandal broke it was like the flood gates just opened. I can't even remember an event that brought so many jokes---Conan had an entire nightly segment devoted to it. Anyway, here's teh best joke from this past weekend, whcih happnes to be a Tiger joke:
Tiger's recent scandolous behavior can be blamed on advice from his father, Earl, who told him:
"Tiger, focus on golf and FUCK everything else!"
And if you didn't think that was funny then maybe this recently leaked picture of Tiger's O-Face will do it for ya:

Friday, September 10, 2010
You hear gunfire so you're going to do some kind of figure-skating pirouette to get out of harm's way? That's why you're an extra. In Speed.
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Wednesday, September 8, 2010
I love it when Asians get excited/amazed, it is THE best sound in the world, like the double take "Awwee-AAWWEEE" I wish that I could make that into a notifcation sound for my cell phone. Can anyone get on that and send it to me? I just like how Asians sound in general. The other day I walked by a group of elderly Asian women waiting for the 'Walk Signal' to cross the street. They were all talking at the same time. It sounded like a bunch of geese making noise, there's now way they can even understand eachother, right?
But about this Japanese Precision Walking, any info on this? Did the Olympics just get that much worse? What could this possibly be? I'm guessing it's because Asians have come to terms with the fact that they suck at driving:
and so they are going to MASTER walking. Because this is what that video is, it's walking at its finest. It reminds me of like how a blind guy can hear really good, the Asians are so bad at driving that they are genetically predisposed to be able to walk THIS good.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Sometimes kids say the darndest things. And it takes quality parenting to make sure they know what is right, and what is wrong. Let's take a look:
My heart melted a little bit after seeing this girl say "but if he comes in here he's gonna kick my ass." and the look she gives her mom like, Are you not getting my logic right now? That was the cutest, "Are you fucken retarded?" look I've ever seen.
Now let's see what Goofus would do....
Whoa-My-Fuck! She came out to the opening bell like vintage Mike Tyson. Out of the corner with a fuckin BOMB! Did I tell you or did I tell you about this trash talk you hear on XBox Live? you hear shit on Xbox that would make Charles Manson feel awkward. She kind stumbled a little bit, which heavyweights always do when the big blows don't knock 'em down, but then she comes back with some scary shit. Let's break this down XBOX Live Trashtalk 101 style:
Open strong: "you know what nigger-boy, we just won! AHAHAHA"
If opponent tries to scare you with real-life threats, run a quick fact check: "you're gonna tell my Mom? Yeah, what's my Mom's name?"
...and rebound with 'I'm-from-the-street' attitude: "You don't know me, My mom, my dad, you don't know my whole fucken entire day!"
Then say something that doesn't quite make sense, to assure you're opponent that you're mentally unbalanced: "Where were you born from?! I'm gonna rip your head!!!"
This little girl could make a grown man cry. Plus I love how her handler at the 1:43 mark tries to take this rabid girl for a walk, this bitch probably sleeps in a cage. And this video couldn't end more perfectly, this family's trashy walmart internet connection gives out and they get the boot. circle of life shit right there.
People don't understand how fun it is to encounter this shit online, like I've been late for work because I couldn't break myself away from a situation like this one. The other day a kid that was maybe 8 was giving me prices on his older sister and his mother. Like he was pimpin them out...completely unprovoked. Weird, wild stuff.
credit to Kevin Plowski for bringing me something worth seeing&sharing
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