I think people forgot how hard life has been for Gibson. And while there's no excusing what he's said, and he's said some crazy shit, I think we could ease up a bit on him. I understand it got uglier than ever with this most recent rant with him panting and spewing guttural-spittling hatreds towards his ex-wife Oksana Grigorieva...but she sandbagged him! (typical Russkie) C'mon, that was supposed to be off the record! I mean I have personally said some things, like all of us have - don't deny it, that if someone had it secretly recorded then I'd have the same chance of being hired by any kind of employer as a pedophile does at a preschool. Now, again what he said was some fucked up shit and I'm not making excuses but I want you all to think of how hard his life has been and maybe we can give Mel a second..er, thir--well I guess fourth chance. But hey, Doesn't everyone deserve a fourth chance?
He grew up as one out of 11 kids, which means he probably didn't get much love and devotion from his parents. Certainly not the amount that everyone deserves. Maybe he felt neglected as a child. Then his acting career didn't exactly start off well. He gets his first movie role as 'Baseball Player' in I Never Promised You A Rose Garden. He pours his heart and soul into that role as an extra and then his talent went uncredited. Mel got left on the cutting room floor, Ignored--just as he was growing up. No wonder he wants to bury his wife in a rose garden...it's because his acting efforts once got buried in A Rose Garden.
Aside from acting, just think about his personal life. People seem to forget about how Mel's first wife and their child together died in 1979......
To read the rest of this shit, click on the link below...
They died in 1979's Mad Max.
Mel hit it big when he became Mad Max Rockatansky. But considering his heroics were fueled by revenge for the wife and child that were run down by a vicious motorcycle gang, I don't think you can really call Mad Max a "success." The post-apocalyptic villains run down the only thing he had left in that wasteland and people seem to forget that, they even killed his best bud Goose. Mel didn't forget..and that's yet to mention Mad Max 2: Road Warrior and Beyond Thunderdome. This guy has been to the end of the world and back. Look, if you have to fight Master Blaster in Thunderdome I don't care if you DO survive, you're leaving with some baggage. Two man enter, One man leave....but he's not the same man.
And all this is only just the beginning...In Lethal Weapon we learn that his wife died *again,* and in a tragic form of irony she dies in another traffic accident...which we find out in Lethal Weapon 2 was an attempt on Mel's life gone awry. We can really see this emotional trauma begin taking its toll on young Mel. Speaking of young; in Forever Young he gets frozen and forgotten (neglected again) then he thaws out 60 years later and ages at a super-speed then presumably expires. All in a matter of 102 minutes or like 4 days in movie-time. Let us not forget The Man Without A Face when people's fears and hatred of things not like themselves turns poor Mel into an outcast amongst society; still wondering where all the hate and prejudice came from? Through ignorance of the Golden Rule, We as a society created this man we now call a hateful monster.
Then 1995 was the biggest year of Mel Gibson's life. Braveheart is released and launches him to super-stardom...except people seem to forget that the success was coupled with tragedy as Mel Gibson's wife got her throat cut at the post and dies, for the third time. Irony strikes again, the death of his wife is what causes him to fight his way to the top.
As it sometimes goes with success, Mel's life gets worse instead of getting better. One year later Mel Gibson's young son is kidnapped in Ransom and he has to kill Gary Sinise to get him back. Then Conspiracy Theory reveals that Mel is losing it, he's paranoid, scared and neurotic. (which should have screamed WARNING to anyone who cares about Mel, but Hollywood didn't take notice---what did they take? The profits. Maybe this is a root of Mel's anti-semitism) In Payback we see Mel struggling with inner-demons and inner-voices and he slips to violent ways. He's just a hard-boiled-noir-motherfucker at that point. Talking to himself, or "narrating the film" as Hollywood says to cover it up.
At the turn of the Millennium we see Mel as The Patriot. He actually looks to be in good form despite having lost his wife (for those of you counting at home, that's the fourth time his wife has died) and he's living happily with his many chillens. But guess what happens? The American Revolution happens. And Mel loses two of his sons, I think one of the sons was the one that he saved from Lt. Dan in Ransom too. All that action/work just to have Jason Isaacs shoot him and then kill a second son with a saber. Just a total bummer.
Then the shit keeps coming in Signs...I think this was the breaking point. Mel gets paired with the forgotten Culkin kid , he has the shit luck of being in M. Night Shyamalamadingdong's improbable flop following The Sixth Sense---probably the biggest disappointing sophomore effort since my second year at UMASS. ( I'm not counting Unbreakable, because riding the Bruce Willis wave didn't take much talent from M.) I mean, look at what Signs did to Joaquin Phoenix, guy is off his rocker.

I ask you this: Would a man who has been through all this be sane? Do you think he might spew some Jew hate everyone now and then just to blow off some steam? Can you really blame him if he denied the Holocaust because he got a speeding ticket? Speeding tickets are infuriating! If I even see a speed trap I just mumble, "Argentina...."
Just take a look at Mel Gibson:

Oops, little Freudian slip there...how about now?

Maybe a better picture?


Oh c'mon, work with me Google Search!

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