Okay, you probably see it's for the New England School of Photography. You may also notice the woman getting the facial. But that's not what I noticed.....look closer.


yes now you see something...but look even clloooosssseerrr....

What is going on here?? Is this clown rape?? Because those are clown pants--making that a clown boner. And some poor girl is whimpering in the corner. Clown Rape. Clear case, cut and dried.
I just want to talk with whoever put this sexually charged ad together. I wouldn't even argue or speak, I'd just listen. Like for starters, there's the chick on the left--pretty suggestive. Then there's the two guys down bottom wrestling with each other. And I know that wrestling is "real" and the UFC is "tough" but I kind of think it just looks like two mentally challenged gay guys trying to figure out how to have sex.
And don't be a scenester and call this art just because they're pictures, fuzzy don't play dat. There is nothing beautiful about clowns having sex. Like, imagine trying to sexually please a girl wearing sad face clown makeup. It'd be impossible, no matter how hard you tried she'd just be laying there looking all sad. That would take a very self-confident man to even try. I'd have to bring a sharpie along and draw a smile on.
I think the only thing that could be creepier than this ad itself would have been if I stared at it for so long that when I looked back around the train car I noticed it was only me and a clown left. Goosebumps shit right there.
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haha I thought it was the woman on the far left getting a facial. GREAT PICK UP!