ATLANTA (AP) -- A caged, 2-inch turtle traveling with a 10-year-old girl caused a crew to turn around a taxiing plane, take the girl and her sisters off the flight and tell them they couldn't bring their pet along. Rebecca said the three were led onto the jetway and told they'd have to get rid of the baby red ear slider -- named Neytiri after the princess in the movie "Avatar" -- if they wanted to reboard.
"I asked, 'What do you mean get rid of it?' and they said throw it away," she said. "I was very sad, and I felt bad for my littlest sister because it was her first pet and she was planning to take care of it herself."
The sisters threw the animal and cage in the trash and returned to their seats crying Tuesday after AirTran Airways employees on the jetway said they couldn't care for the turtle while their father drove to retrieve it.
Hey little girl, you know that turtle you love? Trash it. Now, or you'll never see your parents again.
But hey, that's life post-9/11. No fucken chances. Who knows what that turtles been doing while it flies under the radar as "just a turtle"? Sure, there's no proof that Neytiri spent anytime in a Pakistani al-quaeda terrorist training camp...but is there any proof that she didn't? Neytiri could be a sleeper-shell just waiting to get activated and bring that whole plane down. Then again, if a plane load of people aren't fast enough to react to a turtle lighting its shoe on fire then maybe a little Darwinism is in order.
But this story does end up having a happy ending, as the turtle and girls were reunited two days later because some airport workers, surprisingly, have souls.
Now of course 'you-know-who' gets involved:
The sisters' mother reported what happened to animal rights group PETA, which sent a letter to AirTran demanding an investigation and disciplinary action
PETA, shut the fuck up. No one cares. PETA is a bunch of phonies anyways. There VP Mary Beth Sweetland takes diabetes medicine that was
created using testing on animals. Old Sweetie says that "i need my life to fight for the lives of animals." Marrryyyy.....Never shit a shitter!
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