Well, when you're right, you're right. And unfortunately, I was right about my
Facebook.com post:
NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Facebook, the world's largest social network, is set Wednesday to unveil changes at its f8 developers conference that have already caused a stir.
Though Facebook hasn't officially announced any new features, hints have emerged about what will be included. One of the more controversial changes: Facebook is expected to announce that it will start providing users' personal information to some select third-party Web sites.
Now it looks like Facebook.com is going to take all your preciously private personal pinformation (had to keep that alliteration going) and give it to any third party site who wants to buy it. Freedom for sale! What are some possible "third parties," you ask? Ummm, a terrorist network, that's what. Who else? Neo-Nazis? Perhaps. Pedophiles? Definitely. This is straight from the Ministry of Bullshit, man!
And I know that everyone thinks I’m crazy, but I’m not. But I can tell you all think it by the way you are all always staring at me then you look away suddenly when I turn my head to catch you…but I will catch you. And I’m not crazy... Anyway, look, if you all have no problem with an America that has Junior Anti-Sex Leagues and Brotherhoods and TVs that watch you and electrocution machines that go up to 10 then you're heading in the right direction. But I like my sex. I like being the watcher in my relationship with TVs. I don't like getting electrocuted. And I like sex. So let's send a little message to Mark Zuckerberg, if he even exists, and say, "Fuck You, Man." except let's make it more eloquent and more detailed, if possible.
They are cracking down on bullying, my most over used reference.