So I'm over getting my daily dose of sports humor from and he posts up a review of the brand spanking new Dunkin Donuts Bluberry Waffle Sandwich. Needless to say, it is about as good as it sounds. He likened it to his Grandma's saggy skin. So I turned in a "long time, first time" comment and recalled the old Game Time Hero sandwich. He didn't remember it, and I could barely remember it myself. I just remember there being a breakfast sandwich with steak involved. Maybe some ham? Definitely cheese. And it was on a bagel. And it was G-U-D GUD! Does anybody else remember this? Because now I'm fiending for one. I tried Googling it and came up with nothing. And when Google pretends to not know what you're searching's for a reason.
So I think to myself, what the hell am I gonna do about it? Isn't this what the City Upon A Hill is all about? Let's start this shit right now. I want Dunkin Donuts to bring back their only good limited time special ever. The Game Time Hero! Who's coming with me? HUH?!? This is what Obama was talking about, this is our generations cause. We gotta Win the future. And the future is the GTH.
I'm talking about taking the stage somewhere and going Mike Donnelly on everybody's asses
"G.T.H. TO THE PEOPLE!!!" and if we gotta kill whitey to get the GTH back, then Whitey is a fuckin dead man!
But in all seriousness, I need anyone interested in bringing back the most delicious sandwich from DD of all time to get in the mix. Leave a comment if you can find any details or remember any. At this point, I'm getting all psyched up and maybe I'm misremembering. Or imagining things. But I about 98% sure that 'Game Time Hero' and 'steak' were involved in some kind of DD special. Can anyone help me out here?
But either way, I say we do this over the summer and then by football season....we'll have the Game Time Hero back on the playing field.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Ok, so this picture above looks like your run-of-the-mill ad for jeans. But what about this one:
My guess is that this is what all jeans models look like--but usually you only see them from the waist down. You don't have to be a pretty boy to be a jeans model. You could probably just lure a homeless guy into the studio with the enticing offer of "Hey vagrant, want some pants!" Because if I'm a naked homeless guy, my answer is 'YES' at least half of the time.
SIDE BET: 20 USD says that the photographer who snapped this picture is laying dead in a gutter with his face chewed off by this maniac. Any takers? Because that look is one of a murderous vagabond who is hungry for some face.
Friday, May 6, 2011

If I could flip the switch off I would, like the clown boner. I wish I could see art but all I see is face-painted, sweaty rape. Now this ENC ad. How does anyone miss this? When the guy at the meeting was like, "Let's write "THINK HIGHER" and then superimpose it over a picture of a woman shrouded in smoke? That says 'University + Christian faith = ENC' right?"
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